January 02, 2014


Long time, no see!
Lots has happened over the last couple of months. It's been so long! I've been reading your comments, and I really hope that no-one is mad at me or anything like that. I'm sorry for not writing you and just disappearing.
As some of you have noticed, I'm back at instagram "galaprilcom" - When you delete IG it's not possible to get your old name back! Stupid!

The above photo is from a beaaaautiiiful place I visited recently - I went to Australia this autumn and stayed for 5 weeks and it was an amazing experience. Such a beautiful country!

Well! Hope you got safe through the new year's and that everyone is as happy and healthy as could be.

Love, Anna.


  1. Greetings from Chile =)

  2. Everybody needs a time out. Salute from Argentina

  3. Happy new year Anna!

  4. australia!!! please photos :)

  5. Godt nyttår Anna! Godt å se deg igjen! Klem fra Marianne

  6. Awesome...You look like you are on the Whitsundays...I LOVE Australia,

  7. Awesome...You look like you are on the Whitsundays...I LOVE Australia,

    BTW - Shutte Harbour is a nice place to stay if you are near Macay. Also, don't miss Eungella. Australia also has lots of awesome nude beaches.

    1. I think that particular one is from around Seal's Rock, NSW or something like that. We went to Airlie Beach and lived at Flametree, so saw some of it, but didn't go to Shute Habour! Really wanted to see Eungella, but skipped it this time around :) Thank you

    2. We stayed at Flamtree once. We arrived during 'schoolie' week and there were no rooms anywhere.

  8. Australia...that's my home! I hope yoh had an amazing experience here!!!! xxxx

    1. Cool! Sure did! Aussies were awesome and the weather great. Everyone was so nice and helpful! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I'm so glad you are back! Happy new Year <3

  11. Hi, good to see your well and back!
    Hope you had a wonderful time and you want to share what you did the last couple of months with pictures of Australia :)

    Why did you actually delete your instagram and created a new one?

    Best wishes, Lisa

  12. Hi :) so glad you're well and back! hope we will see some pictures from Australia and you want to share what you did the last couple of months.

    Why did you actually delete your instagram and then created another one?

    Best wishes xoxo

    1. Hi, thank you! Glad to be back aswell!

      I guess I just needed some time off :) Thanks!
